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Club Buzz

Conserving a precious resource, one drop at a time

HomeTeamNS is serious about water conservation – here’s how it’s incorporating green features into its newest clubhouses and spreading the word about the importance of saving this precious resource.



Every day in Singapore, about 430 million gallons of water is consumed – an amount equal to around 782 Olympic-sized swimming pools. As our population and economy grow, our need for water is set to grow as well. PUB, Singapore’s national water agency, estimates that our demand for water could be close to double by the year 2065.

To ensure that the nation’s water needs are met, Singapore has three main solutions: to desalinate seawater, reuse water endlessly, and collect every drop. 

HomeTeamNS clubhouses are doing their part, too. While desalination is best left to the experts, both HomeTeamNS Khatib and HomeTeamNS Bedok clubhouses have water-saving features that make use of technology and innovation to take water conservation to a whole new level.

For example, the HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir and HomeTeamNS Khatib have an integrated rainwater harvesting system that drip irrigates the plants within the clubhouse, helping to reduce water use while maintaining the lush greenery of its surroundings.

Over at HomeTeamNS Khatib, the swimming pools have a secret, sustainable weapon when it comes to cleaning. They are the first of their kind in Singapore to use an ECO-filtration system that relies on a bio-film to trigger the process of photocatalytic oxidisation. This process sanitises the pool without requiring harsh chemicals like chlorine and reduces as much as half of the water normally needed for pool maintenance. The system also cuts down on energy consumption, and lasts twice as long as conventional decontamination methods.

This World Water Day mark the occasion with water-themed activities for kids and grown-ups throughout the month at participating HomeTeamNS clubhouses.


HomeTeamNS members participating in the World Water Day colouring activities at HomeTeamNS Bukit Batok.


Get your blue crayons ready for colouring and crafting activities at the clubhouse lobby, where the kids’ corner plays host to water-themed fun.

Older kids, teens and grown-ups can take part in the Water Day Online Trivia Contest. This fun quiz covers water consumption and conservation efforts in Singapore. Participants can join the online trivia at HomeTeamNS-JOM Balestier’s Facebook page, and stand a chance to win PUB Water Wally plushies!


HomeTeamNS Bukit Batok’s clubhouse Lobby A will host several water-themed activities:

Colour Me Blue

When and where: Every weekend from 17-31 March 2023, 11am to 6pm at Level 1, Lobby A.

Little ones can learn about water conservation with fun, educational activities at the colouring corner.

Interactive Board Games

When and where: 18-31 March 2023, 9am to 8pm at Level 1, Lobby A.

Learn tips on making a sustainable future together and participate in our interactive board games and redeem prizes when you complete each game – test your powers of recall with the memory game and try the crossword puzzles and get in touch with your inner wordsmith.

HomeTeamNS members or guests who participate in the Interactive Board Games or complete the colouring activity may spin the wheel to redeem a Singapore World Water Day merchandise.


Water Wally and Sally stickers are hiding somewhere within the clubhouse! If you spot them, be sure to snap a selfie, tag @HomeTeamNS Khatib on their Facebook page with your photo, and stand a chance to win $50 HomeTeamNS vouchers.

Want learn more about water conservation? Check out the clubhouse lobby where standees with water trivia will be displayed. If you’re in the mood to test your knowledge, whip your phone out to scan the QR code on the standees, which will lead you to an online quiz. Participants stand a chance of winning Singapore World Water Day merchandise.

Like our stories? Subscribe to our Frontline Digital newsletters now! Simply download the HomeTeamNS Mobile App, and update your communication preference to ‘Receive Digital Frontline Magazine’, through the App Settings.

In The Force Featured

These Operation Lionheart doctors witnessed courage and resilience amid tragedy in Türkiye

Safeguarding the health of SCDF officers and earthquake victims was all in a day’s work for SCDF’s NSF Doctors CPT (DR) Amos Lee and CPT (DR) Nicholas Tan at the disaster site.

TEXT: Cara Yap
PHOTOS: CPT(DR) Nicholas Tan

Approaching midnight on February 8, three hours into a multi-national earthquake search and rescue mission in Türkiye, CPT(DR) Amos Lee’s training as a medical officer (MO) in SCDF’s Emergency Medical Services Department (EMSD) kicked in.

As part of the Singapore Civil Defence Force’s (SCDF) 68-strong Operation Lionheart (OLH) contingent, he had travelled 20 hours with the contingent to Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye, which had been devastated by a 7.8-magnitude earthquake on 6 February.  

SCDF's Operation Lionheart contingent cooperated with members of international rescue teams in Türkiye.

Here, in frigid temperatures of about two degrees Celsius, CPT (DR) Amos prepared to receive a 12-year-old Turkish boy, who had been extricated from the rubble by the elite Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (DART) officers in the OLH contingent.

The rescued boy was suffering from hypothermia and psychological shock after being trapped for several days, so Dr Lee and the other medical professionals had to act swiftly. “Thankfully, he didn’t sustain any life-threatening injuries. After taking his vitals, we stabilised him, administered fluids intravenously and kept him warm with a thermal blanket, before the local paramedics brought him to the hospital,” he recalls.

The successful rescue was a bright spot in an otherwise sobering experience for the 27-year-old, who had witnessed courage, resilience and sorrow during the deployment. “As Medical Officers, we were taught to be resilient to hardship during our SAF Basic Military Training. Nevertheless, it was heartrending to see the locals cry and mourn amid the death and destruction,” shares Dr Lee.

As a healthcare professional, Dr Lee anticipated the disaster’s emotional toll.  “We do respect the grieving process of the victims.  However, as part of the OLH contingent, we must have sufficient coping mechanisms, so that we can carry out our duties professionally,” he explains. Such stoicism is essential, as Dr Lee and other medical officers bore the responsibility of ensuring the health of all SCDF officers and search canines throughout the mission. Given their training in Advanced Trauma Life Support, they possess the skills to manage traumatic injuries and effectively support the OLH contingent.

Paying attention to details

CPT (DR) Amos Lee and CPT (DR) Nicholas Tan shared a tent during the mission.

While the general public read play-by-play accounts of successful rescues conducted by the OLH contingent, not many are aware of the roles played by supporting team members such as Dr Lee.

Yet, these  roles are essential to the smooth operations of the OLH contingent, even if they are not directly involved in rescue work. CPT(DR) Nicholas Tan, from the Home Team Medical Services Division (HTMSD), Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), who shared a tent with Dr Lee throughout the deployment, can certainly attest to that. The 27-year-old served mainly as an onsite GP for OLH contingent members and members of other international rescue teams that were based in the same camp.

“Minor ailments such as coughs, colds and runny noses may appear to be trivial, but how will our teammates concentrate on search and rescue, if they are not feeling well?” muses Dr Tan.

Throughout the mission, Dr Tan routinely treated ailments and minor injuries, not just for the contingent members, but also the search canines from SCDF’s Search Platoon. When one of the search canines sustained a cut on its paw during a search, Dr Tan was able to neatly clean and bandage the wound, thanks to a three-day course in basic veterinary care he underwent prior to the mission.

Search and rescue troops braved freezing temperatures in Kahramanmaraş.

The swift deployment of the OLH contingent within hours of the earthquake, has reinforced Dr Tan’s belief in the importance of watertight and agile logistics. “You must prioritise what to bring on overseas missions because you’re limited by space and time constraints,” shares the full-time NSF doctor, whose job scope includes drafting policies to improve the welfare of servicemen under the Ministry of Home Affairs. “We focused on variety instead of depth, packing medication and equipment to cover many types of emergencies – this involved a lot of pre-planning. Nothing was left to chance.”

Sorting through medical supplies at the disaster site.
Sorting through medical supplies at the disaster site.

Like Dr Lee, this was Dr Tan’s first time working in a disaster site, and he recalls being awakened by aftershocks on several occasions while resting in their tent. “As the base of operations was sited in an open area, we knew that the dangers from a tent collapse was minimal. However, the aftershocks did make us feel uneasy at times,” recounts Dr Tan.

Despite the potential risks, both doctors did not hesitate when they received the deployment notice. “As a doctor, you have to step up when duty calls. This sense of responsibility is no different from that of other healthcare workers who worked hard to take care of COVID-19 patients, despite the potential risk of being infected by the virus,” reflects Dr Tan, who recounted his stint at Singapore General Hospital during the pandemic, prior to enlisting in National Service.

Courage and camaraderie

Both Dr Lee and Dr Tan, who underwent BMT and the Medical Officer Conversion Course (MOCC) before joining SCDF, were equipped with both the physical and mental capacity to work under challenging circumstances. “We gained leadership skills during our SCDF induction course. We also learnt how to perform field amputations — on top of the veterinary course — and were engaged in regular exercises to familiarise ourselves with how OLH functions,” explains Dr Lee, who also volunteers on overseas humanitarian missions with his church. He joined the medical profession as it is “a privilege to be present for those who are in need.” Although he has yet to decide on his medical specialisation after NS, he has plans for an upcoming humanitarian trip in Cambodia. 

The OLH deployment struck a chord with Dr Lee, especially for the hospitality he received from the locals. “The Turkish people were really welcoming. Although they were having a difficult time in the aftermath of the earthquake, they kindly offered us drinks and warm meals,” shares Dr Lee. Equally encouraging, was the camaraderie shared among members of the various international contingents, which transcended language and cultural differences.

“When I was queuing for food in front of a Turkish rescuer, I mentioned a few big names in Turkish football, as I knew that the sport is popular in Turkey. We started chatting and he showed me football clips on his phone. It shows that through patience and good will, we can find much common ground with others ,” recounts Dr Tan, who will continue his internal medicine residency with SingHealth after NS.

OLH team members with their Turkish counterparts.
OLH team members with their Turkish counterparts.

Dr Lee echoes this sentiment, saying that he maintains friendships with the Turkish translators assigned to his team. Despite the tragedy he witnessed he remains buoyed by the resilience displayed by the locals, as well as the collective strength of the international rescuers.

“My biggest takeaway through this experience was that regardless of nationality, race or religion, medical professionals have a duty to render help to those who need it,” he concludes.

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Club Buzz

HomeTeamNS sets record for Singapore’s tallest hamper for a good cause

The 4m-high hamper was made of care packages that were distributed to beneficiaries from SWAMI Home.


The fourth edition of HomeTeamNS Gives Back, an annual event that rallies together members, guests and partners to give back to the community, was held on 4 February at HomeTeamNS Khatib.

HomeTeamNS built a 4m-high hamper that set a record for tallest hamper in the Singapore Book of Records. The hamper contained boxes of groceries such as Milo packets, toothbrushes and biscuits that were contributed by the participants. These were distributed to beneficiaries of Sunshine Welfare Action Mission (SWAMI Home), including residents of approximately 100 Yishun flats under the SWAMI Home Help Programme.

The HomeTeamNS benefactors and selected beneficiaries from SWAMI Home were treated to an afternoon of fun and activities such as Nagomi art, a purportedly therapeutic artform using pastel powder; a bingo game and Lo Hei, along with a lion dance performance.


HomeTeamNS staff preparing care packages that were distributed to Yishun residents under the SWAMI Home Help Programme.
HomeTeamNS staff preparing care packages that were distributed to Yishun residents under the SWAMI Home Help Programme.

The event was graced by guest-of-honour Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of National Development, and HomeTeamNS President.

“At HomeTeamNS, we believe in making a difference through community efforts. This way, small acts of kindness by each member get amplified and we can help others make a greater impact. I am truly heartened to see our members and partners readily chipping in. We hope that these gifts will bring our friends in SWAMI Home good cheer and joy this festive season,” said Ms Agnes Eu, Chief Executive of HomeTeamNS.

HomeTeamNS members with their Nagomi Art artworks.
HomeTeamNS members with their Nagomi Art artworks.

HomeTeamNS members have participated in earlier editions of HomeTeamNS Gives Back held during Christmas in 2018, 2021 and 2022, with the same goal of paying it forward. For more information about the next HomeTeamNS Gives Back event, please visit our website and Facebook page.

Like our stories? Subscribe to our Frontline Digital newsletters now! Simply download the HomeTeamNS Mobile App and update your communication preference to ‘Receive Digital Frontline Magazine’, through the app settings.

Lifestyle Singapore Buzz

Make rising interest rates work for you

Interest rates are rising: Here’s what you need to know to help you make your savings work harder for you.


Bank interest rates have been rising steadily during the last year, causing some home loan holders a corresponding increase in anxiety. But there’s a silver lining amid this uncertainty: This is also a good time to make your savings work harder and earn higher interest.

Choosing the right type of interest-earning bank product, however, might be a challenge. After all, you don’t want to lock in your savings for years if you’re planning to further your studies, or buy a flat. Neither do you want to miss out on getting the maximum amount of interest possible.

Here’s a handy guide on what you should look out for, when it comes to your own interest (rates, that is).


Photo by Ishant Mishra on Unsplash

Interest rates don’t just apply to savings accounts or mortgage loans. There are also fixed deposits, interest rate-linked structured deposits, Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs) and offset mortgage accounts, to name a few.

To decide which bank product works best for your needs, it’s best to first consider your immediate, mid-term and long-term financial goals.

Financial experts recommend that before doing anything else, you set aside an emergency fund consisting of six months’ worth of your usual expenditure. Besides recurring bills, you’ll want to factor in food, transport and insurance premiums.

If you anticipate collecting the keys to your new flat within the next two years, you might prefer a high-yield savings account or a 12-month fixed deposit over buying an SSB, as you’ll need to hold onto the latter for the full 10 years to enjoy the maximum interest rate.

If you worry about unexpected expenses – such as medical bills – and need to maintain liquidity, an interest rate-linked structured deposit isn’t the best choice, as you may suffer major losses when you withdraw your money early. There might also be hefty transaction fees incurred.


Before investing your savings, always read the fine print carefully. Besides minimum time commitments, bank products may have other requirements you need to meet to receive the higher interest rate.

It’s common for high-yield savings accounts to require a minimum monthly spend on a linked credit card, or for you to credit your salary, pay bills through GIRO or purchase an insurance product from the bank. You might also be required to maintain a certain minimum amount in the account at all times or end up incurring fall-below fees.

Last but not least, it’s a good idea to assess the risk level of the product. For the risk averse, fixed deposits are a safe choice as up to $75,000 of your cash is insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation – so your savings are protected.


Be sure to look out for specific criteria that you can utilise to get the best interest rate possible.

For example, if you know you’re going to be making large purchases soon – like flight tickets, hotel bookings or new furniture – check to see if this expenditure can help you to earn more interest. Some, like the DBS Multiplier Account, offer higher interest rates with higher transaction amounts.

Similarly, the Standard Chartered JumpStart account is for those aged between 18 and 26, offering up to 0.50 per cent per annum interest and 1 per cent cashback on eligible purchases made with the Cashback Debit Card linked to your account (It certainly pays to be young).

If the interest gets credited into your account on the 15th of every month, for example, it’s in your best interest (pun intended) to schedule large purchases or significant cash transfers for after the 15th, so that you can earn a larger amount of interest.

Another option is to let your money work for you on digital platforms like Endowus. It is Singapore’s first digital investment advisor for CPF, SRS and cash savings. HomeTeamNS members enjoy 20-per-cent off Endowus fees for three years with a minimum investment of S$1,000.


If you want to compare fixed deposit or bank account interest rates, there are plenty of online resources that have done the work for you.

Some, like Singsaver, even provide helpful comparisons – such as between fixed deposits and savings accounts – to help you decide which product suits your needs best. Others like MoneySmart partner with banks and financial institutions for a seamless experience, allowing you to apply directly. Seedly encourages users to share opinions and insights, for a more community-oriented take on personal finance.

If you’re new to personal finance literacy, check out MoneySense, Singapore’s national financial education programme. It offers handy articles and starter packs on basic topics such as understanding how savings accounts work, to more complex resources on different types of funds and investments.

With higher interest rates available, it’s time to take an interest in your finances.  

Like our stories? Subscribe to our Frontline Digital newsletters now! Simply download the HomeTeamNS Mobile App, and update your communication preference to ‘Receive Digital Frontline Magazine’, through the App Settings.

Singapore Buzz

Austerity hacks in the Year of the Rabbit

These money-saving hacks will help you enjoy fun activities like shopping and dining out without breaking the bank.


For many, 2023 is off to an expensive start. Inflation, a volatile global financial environment and the Goods and Services Tax (GST) increase are all hitting our wallets at the same time.

Tightening your belt, however, doesn’t mean having to miss out on the fun things in life. With some small adjustments, you can still go shopping, refresh your home, treat your family to activities and dine out with friends, with these money-saving hacks.


These days, we’re all more aware of the negative impact consumer goods have on the environment. Rather than buy brand new products, why not buy pre-owned items instead?

Visit shops like Hock Siong and Refash, for preloved furniture and fast fashion respectively. If you’d rather not get off the sofa, try online storefronts like Thryft (second-hand books and clothes), BookXcess (brand new books at clearance prices), Retykle (preloved children’s clothing) and The Fifth Collection (preloved designer clothing, bags and accessories).

If you’re itching to shop but don’t want to spend any money, apps like and Olio, allow people to list unwanted items – like food, toys, books and household goods – for others to collect for free.


If your home is an eyesore but renovation quotes are eye-watering, consider engaging in some simple and affordable do-it-yourself (DIY) projects instead.

First, start by cleaning and decluttering. Put up items that can be sold on Carousell, and if you live in a HDB flat, call your Town Council to arrange for complimentary removal of bulky old furniture (limited to three times a month).

You can repaint your walls, or install peel-and-stick wallpaper with the help of online guides and YouTube tutorials.

If you’re sick of your old furniture – but don’t want to buy new items – chalk paint is your answer. This easy fix doesn’t require tedious sanding of furniture surfaces and can be completed over a weekend. That dreary dark wood coffee table can be transformed into a clean white surface, or a bright pop of colour. You can even repaint upholstered surfaces like cushioned seats.


Singapore might have the reputation of being an expensive city to play in, but there are plenty of free activities available if you know where to look. Going out on weekends doesn’t have to be a costly exercise.

Instead of forking out for yoga or dance fitness classes, check out the free daily Experience Sport Sessions at the Singapore Sports Hub, which include Zumba, K-pop inspired cardio, Tabata and more.

For cultural enrichment, head to the Esplanade for free performances and exhibitions (pro tip: click ‘free’ in the filter list before searching). The Singapore Symphony Orchestra also performs free concerts, at venues like Gardens by the Bay and the Singapore Botanic Gardens – perfect for a picnic date, or a day out with the kids.

Museum buffs have a plethora of free options, ranging from admiring the paintings at the National Gallery Singapore to learning about history at Reflections at Bukit Chandu. There are also more niche venues like the Children’s Museum, the Gem Museum and the Peranakan Museum to explore.


Chat app Telegram is home to numerous chat groups devoted to the art of scoring a good deal.

Subscribing to these groups and bots can save you money on things like tech gadgets (SG Tech & Games), make-up (SG BudgetBabes), travel (sgtravelpromos) and even private hire rides (sgcabcodes). They collate hot tips, promotions and discount codes to give you more bang for your buck, whether you’re buying dinner (SG FoodDeals) or looking for a free running event to join (SG Fitness & Health).


There are ways to have your cake and eat it too – without going broke.

Dining membership apps like Burpple Beyond and the Entertainer offer 1-for-1 deals and discounts on both popular and new-to-the-scene restaurants, bars and cafes. If you’re prepared to eat at odd timings, reservation platform Eatigo offers discounts as high as 50 per cent of the bill, while competitor Chope has discounted restaurant vouchers and allows you to accumulate Chope loyalty points that can be redeemed for movie and supermarket vouchers.

For hotel buffet fans, there’s the Treatsure platform, which connects users to hotels and eateries that have excess food. It’s a great way to sample a variety of dishes without having to pay the full buffet price.


Those with HomeTeamNS membership have access to exclusive lifestyle, entertainment, wellness and dining offers – all of which make life more enjoyable without draining your funds.

Whether you’re looking for 1-for-1 movie tickets, discounted hotel stays or savings on petrol, make sure to check out the full list – which is always being added to – on the HomeTeamNS Mobile App or HomeTeamNS website.

The HomeTeamNS Rewards+ programme also helps members enjoy greater value, by rewarding everyday spending across participating facilities, in-app purchases as well as membership sign up and renewals.

Saving while spending is a lot easier, with the right membership in hand. Members can also get the latest HomeTeamNS deals on their Telegram channel too, which offers updates on promotions including Wow Wow Wednesday, school holiday events and in-app deals.

Not a HomeTeamNS member yet? Why not sign up now to enjoy great deals and exclusive benefits?

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