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In The Force

A man in blue with a green agenda

SC2 Sean Sy Yeo encourages everyone to do their part for sustainability and environmental causes.


Sustainability is a global concern that impacts our collective future. As PUB World Water Day and Earth Hour took place in March, the Singapore Police Force’s SC2 Sean Sy Yeo did his part to contribute to the environmental cause.

Sean currently serves as a Community Engagement officer with the Toa Payoh Neighbourhood Police Centre. While his work is demanding, he still finds the time to take care of his vegetable garden and collect rainwater to reuse it for watering plants and washing clothes.  


As a child, Sean preferred visiting museums and the zoo – over playing games – so he could learn more about animals. These institutions often feature exhibits about the threats many creatures face, such as poaching and environmental changes that have led to the extinction of several species.

He also learnt that human actions — both direct and indirect — impact other aspects of the ecosystem. For example, deforestation destroys animal habitats (directly) and global warming caused by the release of greenhouse gases leads to environmental changes such as rising sea levels (indirectly). This inspired him to try to prevent the extinction of more species by doing his part to care of the environment.

Sean believes that it takes many generations to reverse the damage inflicted on our planet. His solution to the growing problem? That we educate our young about environmental protection so that they can grow up to become responsible global citizens.


He fondly recalls learning about environmental issues during regular school assembly talks and various learning journeys when he was in primary school. Besides visiting the zoo, he also went to Bishan Park to pick up litter and learn more about the environment through activities hosted by the park (Bishan Park has been adopted by his school, Rosyth School).

When he was a student at St Joseph’s Institution during his secondary school years, Sean was elected by his class to be a Green Ambassador due to his keen interest in sustainability.
He used this position effectively and responsibly to encourage his schoolmates to adopt sustainable practices, such as recycling and reducing wastage of resources like electricity, paper and water.

Sean believes that everyone can and should do their part to help the environment, regardless of how small the act seems. Something as basic as sorting our rubbish and properly disposing in recycling bins can lead to the right step towards sustainability.

Find out how DAC (NS) Mulyadi Ahmad is doing his part for the environment and how organisations like HomeTeamNS are adopting green practices.

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