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Home Team Day 2024: Celebrating Family Ties Among Singapore’s Guardians

HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir’s Executive Committee Member LTC (NS) Shahrudin Bin Salleh recounts the joy and community spirit he experienced at the inaugural Home Team Day 2024, highlighting its significance for Home Team personnel and their families.

HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir’s Executive Committee Member LTC (NS) Shahrudin Bin Salleh recounts the joy and community spirit he experienced at the inaugural Home Team Day 2024, highlighting its significance for Home Team personnel and their families.



On 24 February 1997, then-Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Wong Kan Seng, launched the Home Team concept. The concept describes the significance of viewing the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), along with its 10 Home Team Departments (HTDs) as one collective entity despite each department holding its own specific and integral role within the Home Team. With this in mind, HTDs can operate more seamlessly, leverage on each other’s strengths, and work together as one MHA family — all with the goal to preserve and strengthen Singapore’s safety and security.

This year, in appreciation for Home Team officers’ contributions to Singapore, as well as to commemorate how far the MHA family has come in working together as one, 24 February has been earmarked as Home Team Day, which will be celebrated annually. To celebrate, HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir hosted the inaugural Home Team Day carnival. In what ultimately turned out to be an unforgettable and joyous occasion for Home Team personnel and their families alike, we invited HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir’s Executive Committee Member LTC (NS) Shahrudin Bin Salleh to be a guest writer for Frontline digital, sharing his firsthand recount of the day’s event.

“As an NSman, Home Team Day holds profound significance, serving as a tribute to all Home Team personnel and embracing our families into the larger Home Team community. It’s a day that recognises our collective efforts and the support of our loved ones.

During the Home Team Day carnival held at HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir last month, my family and I enjoyed an adventure across three playing venues, each filled with excitement. From traditional carnival games to cutting-edge virtual reality experiences, we indulged in a plethora of activities that not only brought back cherished memories, but also created new ones.

Among a myriad of experiences, one stood out as our highlight of the day — the moment we stepped inside a gigantic, air-filled transparent dome adorned with colourful balloons. Capturing a family photo within this enchanting setup evoked a sense of wonder, akin to being immersed in a magical snow globe. It was a unique twist on the traditional photobooth and a memory we’ll treasure forever.

Celebrating Home Team Day alongside my family fills me with immense pride. As we navigated through bustling crowds and witnessed other families of Home Team officers eagerly participating in the festivities, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of camaraderie within the Home Team community, where we rally our families together to celebrate a common achievement and pride. Seeing my son, Isa, engrossed in collecting stamps and completing game cards further reinforced the importance of family bonding and attested to the joy we can get from involving our children in the Home Team.  

While the allure of the carnival games kept us entertained, I regret not seizing the opportunity to explain my duties as a Home Team officer to my family. However, the event itself served as a testament to the Home Team’s dedication to fostering family engagement and appreciation. Despite the original intention to stay for just an hour, we found ourselves “overstaying” for more than two hours due to the sheer enjoyment and fun that the event had fostered.

The Ministry and HomeTeamNS’ efforts in honouring the contributions of Home Team officers and their families are commendable. From corporate events like promotion ceremonies to organising such carnivals, they continuously strive to involve families and recognise their support. Moreover, the offer of a complimentary one-year membership to eligible Home Team officers and their families underscores their commitment to nurture a strong sense of community among us, the Guardians of Hearts and Home.

In recapping our experience at the Home Team Day carnival, it’s evident that beyond the games and festivities, the event truly epitomised the spirit of unity, appreciation, and family within the Home Team community.”

To thank our Home Team Officers for their contributions to the safety and security of Singapore and Singaporeans, eligible Home Team officers, national servicemen, and those serving in the Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) and Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit (CDAU), will be given a complimentary one-year HomeTeamNS membership from mid-March 2024. They can also sign their family members up for a complimentary one-year family membership, for them to enjoy the same perks and benefits. Click here and here for details.

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